Rekeying Locks, Changing Locks

Rekeying locks VS Changing locks

So, when you fire an employee or your roommate leaves the house, or you end up getting a divorce, in all such situations, you would not want all of these people to access your premises again without your permission. Hence, you simply change the locks of your premises. But, do you know that there is a lot cheaper method of restricting the entry of these people by not changing the locks but simply rekeying them?

Yes, it’s not always recommended to change the locks and spend a huge amount of money on buying new locks. Most of the time, you can ask the professional locksmith to simply rekey the locks. It’s a cheap method and would do the job finely!

Changing the locks is recommended in those situations when the lock has been severely damaged and can’t be rekeyed. So, at such a point, you’ll need to spend a good amount and buy a new lock because you don’t have any other option left!

Lock Change, Rekeying

What is meant by rekeying?

Not most of the people are aware of rekeying. Well, rekeying is basically the task of changing the key of the lock to some new key so that the old one becomes totally unworkable. In simpler meanings, you will keep on using the old lock, but a new key will be required to unlock it after rekeying.

When you should opt for rekeying?

You should opt for rekeying when you move into a new house and are unaware of the fact that who else holds the key to your house. So, in such a case, the locks of the new house will be totally new. But, these locks will not secure your house. So, when you are unsure, you can opt for rekeying.

The next scenario might be that you lose the keys to your premises and you are scared that someone would find the keys and would break-in. So, in order to fully secure your house, you should get rekeying done immediately!

A lot of people share their homes with other people. For example, you might be living with a roommate or your wife. So, if your roommate moves out, you’ll never want him/her to enter your premises without your permission. Similarly, if you’ve got divorced, you can’t let your ex into the premises. Hence, rekeying your locks would help you to accomplish the job!

When you should opt for changing locks?

You need to change the locks when the locks go through a lot of wear and tear and become too old. Also, now in the market, you’ll come across high-security locks. So, it is better that you change the locks into much better locks in order to ensure the complete security of your premises. Robbery attempts could also damage the locks. So, the best thing is to change the locks in all such cases!

The Bottom Line

Make sure that you call a competent locksmith for rekeying or changing the locks. Also, when you are about to change the locks, ensure that the locks are of a renowned brand.

High Security Lock

Home, Office, and Business Security Improvement

Your home, office, and business security demands a huge level of security. You build your house after a lot of effort and you build your business after a lot of hard work. Therefore, you can’t lose your home, your office, or your business. So, it’s always better that you take safety measures prior in order to keep everything intact within your premises!

The generic and traditional locks have become really old-school. People used to incorporate these kinds of locks in the past. But, now the times have changed. Thieves have also got great methods of breaking-in. therefore, it is our responsibility that we tackle such situations and do whatever it takes to refine the quality of locks!

Nowadays, high-security locks are the main source of protection for our house, office, or business places. High-security locks are made with an exceptional mechanism that ensures the protection of our important places.

Get in touch with a competent team of locksmiths. Ask them about ways to improve the security of your premises. As them to install high-security locks so that you can take a sigh of relief!

High-security Locks

High-security locks provide extreme resistance against thefts and burglaries. The design and aesthetics of the high-security locks are such that they won’t allow anyone to enter forcefully into the premises. The traditional locks could be opened by any picking tool that is easily available in the hardware shop. However, a high security lock will fight against the break-in attempts made by the burglars and robbers.

So, it is necessary that you equip your house, your office, and your business place with high-security locks. You can never risk the safety of your people and your important things. So, don’t wait anymore and call a competent locksmith company to install a high-security lock on all of your premises.

Plus, it is important that you know about the brand of the high-security lock. There are a number of brands available in the market but only a few are worth your money and time. So, make sure to buy only a renowned brand’s high-security lock so that your premises can’t be accessed by anyone!

High Security Locks

Let’s discuss a few of the advantages of high-security locks:

  • High Security locks are pick-resistant

As mentioned above, high-security locks are not your ordinary locks. These locks cannot be opened by burglars through pick tools. On such locks, the pick tools would never work and if an alarm system is installed, you will immediately be informed about a potential break-in. so, you will be able to take immediate action.

  • High Security locks are bump-resistant

Ordinary locks can be opened by bump tools. But, high-security locks are telescopic so no bump tools would work on them!

  • High Security locks provide control

High security locks have a special key. These keys can’t be duplicated. So, you get a lot of control and resistance against any sort of crime and felony. Hence, your business, home, and office space remains to be intact, no matter whoever tries to break-in!

Laser Cut Key

Laser Cut Key

Laser Cut Car Key – High-Security Car Keys

In automotive key parlance, High-Security Keys simply refers to the kind of blade the key arrives with. Most car keys are single sided while others are double-sided. The single-sided imply having the blades on top only while the double imply blades on top and bottom. These keys are easy to duplicate and copy. Unlike these regular keys, the laser cut keys are milled at the center of the blade with the aid of a laser cut key device or machine possessing a unique cutting blade. Often, most car owners are ignorant, lacking the knowledge that their cars possess a high-security car key. This is because; the keys do no possess buttons nor batteries.

Laser Cut Car Key

Should my car have high-Security Keys? 

The truth is that almost all contemporary car manufacturers have some or all of their models furnished with High-Security keys. There is a need for you to join the bandwagon. Earlier vehicles are beginning to furnish their vehicles with laser cut keys in the last few years.


What does this imply for you?

This implies that cars are becoming more difficult to burgle, and keys are more difficult to cut too. A few of the car models require the services of a locksmith while others need a dealership. Contact us at Tucson Locksmith 24, to make your inquiries. We shall assist, and we share more information on the subject. On-demand, a Locksmith can visit you to duplicate laser cut keys and for car key replacement service.

Lock Brands

Locks Brands

Top Locks Brands

When a list of the most trusted door lock brands comes to mind, it does not just suggest you should trust the brands; rather, it tries to explain that these are brands that people have trusted over time. In this article, we will examine whether people have invested their trust in these brands or if this trust was just a form of deception from the companies.

Obviously, these brands have different lock modes with different abilities. What this means is that each lock would have a different level of strength and resistance which may not really match with the companies’ profile.

Well, to get balance information, it is ideal we represent facts, rather than taking sides with few selected key lock companies.

If you are ready, let’s go…


Schlage Locks

If you visit most stores to buy a key lock, you’ll certainly find Schlage locks. They are quite expensive but have a strong and sturdy look, and are hard to pick.

Schlage company manufactures all types of commercial and residential locks including deadbolts, lever handles, and doorknobs.

Schlage produces high security locks brands: Primus, Everest, and Everest Primus XP.


Mul T Lock

Mul-T-Lock is an Israeli lock manufacturer company. This brand is one of the top names when it comes to high security locks. Going by the description, the Mul-T-Lock is easily recognized when sighted. Mul T Lock has a unique key design that is adapted to a cylinder that cannot be easily break-in. It is certain that Mul-T-Lock is a brand to depend on.



Kwikset Locks

Most people have used Kwikset locks even without knowing it by name. Kwikset is very popular in most doors in the USA. Apart from its popularity, it is very affordable and for efficiency, it is less durable compared to other brands. The old locks by Kwikset are very easy to pick and it is bumpable. In recent years they have made significant progress in the level of security of the locks and in addition, have developed very high-quality keyless locks.



Medeco Locks

The Medeco locks brand manufactures high-quality locks for residential and commercial uses. Medeco lock design features lock pins which can only be rotated by keys with angled cuts. Medeco lock is also considered one of the top locks manufacturers of high-security locks because of the strength and the security level of the locks.


Yale Locks

Yale has a wide trusted reputation. Yale is one of the world’s oldest and biggest lock manufacturer. Unlike the lock brands mentioned in this article Yale also specialize in locks for safes, and safes manufacture. The company name origins from the Yale family, who invented the pin tumbler cylinder lock. Yale’s comprehensive line of door hardware includes all types of door locks, exit devices, door closers, electromechanical products, and key systems.


In conclusion, Each lock has its advantages and disadvantages, all you need to do is, make a good research and find the best fit for your door and your needs.

Benefits of Mobile Locksmith

Top Benefits of Mobile Locksmith Service

Most times, people do not think about the services of a mobile locksmith service until they need one. This normally happens when you are stranded by the roadside or in a parking lot when your keys are just dangling on your car’s ignition but the doors are locked. This obviously, is the time you’ll begin to think of having a locksmith to rescue you.

The benefits of a mobile locksmith can never be exhausted; whether you need them for your car or home. Their services center on rekeying, lock replacement, master key systems, key control, and several other key solutions.

Apart from the fact that they can provide a solution to your problem, they always respond fast, no matter the time you contact them.

This piece talks more about the top benefits of having a Tucson mobile locksmith in times when you need us.

Here are 5 benefits of our mobile locksmith service in Tucson:

24 Hours Availability

Sometimes, emergencies meet you at the wrong time of the day. You may not be the type that stays out late but the night you decided to hang out or attend to a situation, you encounter a hitch. Obviously, this one in a thousand times that you mistakenly locked your keys right inside your car, and you are stranded. At this time of the night, the mobile locksmith will show up when you make that call.

Remote Locations

Most times, vehicles get locked down at remote locations that are kind of difficult to reach. If this happens to you, never mind because we at Tucson mobile locksmiths are well equipped to trace the location to provide an easy solution to that lock challenge.

Professional Services

Most mobile locksmiths are well trained in specific areas like forensic locksmithing. This area of knowledge gives them the ability to determine whether a lock has been compromised or not. Well, this is not peculiar to us. We either partner with security agencies or carry out our task independently, depending on the situation.

Quick Response

One amazing feature about mobile locksmith is their fast response to situations; irrespective you’re locked outside your home or you are stranded with your car or office are mistakenly locked outside your reach, mobile locksmiths are always conscious of responding swiftly to fix that problem back to normal.

Wider Reach

There are lots of times when people encounter a key lock challenge and get so frustrated that they can’t find a good locksmith. This is far more than what you think. Locksmiths are mobile and that is why they can carry out their service at any location. Our team of professional locksmiths has the capacity to reach you as fast as you can imagine, no matter the distance you are.

Mobile Locksmith Tucson AZ

It is now confirmed that there is a solution to that key or lock problem you may face with your office, car, or house. Do not break that door. Rather, get in touch with a well-trained locksmith and have that locked door open for you.

Smart Lock

Smat Locks Types

Smart Lock Types

Smart locks were once an item only in commercial properties with high security structures. However, technological advancements have now allowed for the integration of smart lock systems into residential buildings. In fact, smart locks do a lot more than allow you to lock and unlock your door without a traditional key. In addition to the automation and convenience they provide, they also let you track entry and exit logs at your abode in real time.

Smart lock types vary, depending on the specific need you hope to satisfy. The common types include:

Mobile Devices

Smartphones and tablets are commonly used these days, and in just a little time they may totally replace the traditional set of keys. Select models are now enabled with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth options. Bluetooth is a common smart lock protocol because it does not drain the battery as quickly as Wi-Fi does. However, its downside is that you have a limited range of access – around 300ft in the best case scenario, and it could be even less depending on the layout of your apartment. On the other hand, Wi-Fi allows you to send signals through from far away distances, so long as there is an internet connection.

Radio-frequency Identification (RFID)/Key Fob

This security protocol is a popular feature in communal buildings and for remote access to car doors. Their level of popularity has grown so much that most modern car owners only make use of this method for the locking and unlocking of doors. Luckily, this feature is now available for smart homes too, allowing for automatic opening of the door with just a touch or tap.


Biometric scanners are commonly used in areas with high levels of security. One or more unique biological traits are used to gain access through the lock system. In the past, Iris scanners have been used in high security areas. However, fingerprint scanners are now a more cost effective option – and they are now available in smart homes today. Applying this security method to your home will ensure you never lose your keys, as access would be at your fingertips.

Smart Locks

The Bottom Line

Since not all smart locks function similarly, it would be ideal to define what you need so you can determine the best lock for your smart home. Whatever the case, our locksmiths at Tucson Locksmith 24 are just a phone call away. We are experts in handling and installation of smart lock systems – and you can count on us to provide the best fit for your home security and décor.

Home Break-in

What to do after Home Break-in

Are you dealing with Home Break-in? Here are a few steps you need to take

We all hope it never happens, but statistics have revealed that an attempted break-in occurs every 15 seconds. This figure amounts to about 2.1 million burglary attacks every year, with most part affecting residential areas. What should you do if your apartment has been burgled? The following steps can help you manage the aftermath of a break-in successfully.

Call the Police

Although this might sound like a no-brainer, your instinct could cause you to act differently in the heat of the moment. But getting the police involved immediately is really important. If you think the burglar might still be inside, leave the home and call 911 immediately instead of confronting the criminal. If you feel safe going into the home, do not touch anything as this could destroy valuable evidence. Instead, take pictures of the damage done by the criminal – this could be useful to the police and insurance claim company.

Determine what is missing and file a report

Conduct a thorough assessment of your home to find out what is missing. This may include items such as your credit card which can be used for personal identity theft. Once you are sure about the stolen items, it is important to file a victim’s report. The police officer attending to your case should give you details that will help you file a report and if there was security footage of the event, the officer might help you take a footage file along.

File an Insurance Claim

Go through your insurance policy to see what you can make claim for following a burglary. Although you may think some low value items should not be included, you may discover there are provisions for such. Keep a record of every stolen or damaged item and following the submission of your request to the insurance company, an adjuster or investigator would be assigned to run checks in your home to verify your claims. Cooperate with your insurer and be ready to provide explanations for specific questions they might have. Staying in a hotel or moving in with a friend temporarily until the adjuster arrives would be a great idea so you do not tamper with the evidence.

Secure your home again

Securing your home again as quickly as possible is the next ideal step. After the police have left, ensure you get damaged windows and doors fixed so you can feel secure again. Call a locksmith in Tucson AZ to check the locks and get them fixed quickly.

Home Security

Realtor Locksmith Service

Realtors and Property Management Companies Locksmith Service

Locksmith Services for Realtors and Property Management Companies

As a professional realtor or property manager in the Tucson, Arizona area, you have a lot of responsibility which is why securing a reliable locksmith company needs to be among your top priorities to give you peace of mind when it comes to security and other lock and key needs at your properties. Locksmith services for realtors and property management companies include many necessary functions such as rekeying or changing locks in between occupants, providing and maintaining lock box security as well as liability prevention or possibly installing and maintaining a master key system. A locksmith will be able to handle all of your lock and key needs for all of your properties whether you are showing a house or renting to tenants.

As a realtor or property manager, it is your responsibility to ensure your tenants or potential buyers are safe, make sure you are in compliance with local property codes, keep up on routine maintenance or repairs, and perform your other day-to-day tasks. Ultimately, safety and security is your Number One concern.


Lock Boxes Keep Your Keys Secure

As a realtor or property manager, you have a great deal of responsibility on your shoulders to keep your tenants, buildings, and properties safe and secure at all times. As a realtor, or even as an apartment manager, you will have need to show a house or apartment to a potential buyer/renter. Obviously, you only want the proper people who work for you to be able to get inside. To make this process easier, a popular practice is to use a lock box where a key or an electronic key code is stored. These lock boxes require either a key to physically open it and access the key or a code that has been assigned specifically to you that will get you through the door.


Locksmith Services for Realtors


Important Things To Look For When Hiring Locksmith Services for Realtors & Property Management Companies

Since these locksmiths hold the key, quite literally, to your property or properties, you will want to select a reliable and trustworthy professional who will be by your side in no time when you need help to get the job done well the first time. You want someone you can establish a business relationship with over a long term.

Check with a vendor management system and ask for recommendations about qualified locksmiths near you. When you are deciding which locksmith company is best for you, call the company and listen to see how they answer the phone. If they answer with a generic reply rather than stating the full company name, keep looking since you have probably reached a national call center and not a local professional. Confirm the address of the company to make sure it is a legitimate location. Once you get a hold of a true professional locksmith company, ask if they are insured and bonded. Verify everything with the Better Business Bureau, your state’s Attorney General office or a local consumer protection agency. Before any work is done, be sure to get an estimate in writing. When the locksmith shows up, check out the vehicle to see if it is marked with the company’s logo or name, and always ask for identification, and expect a genuine locksmith professional to ask to verify your identification as well before opening any locks.


Bottom Line is You are Responsible to Provide Safety and Security to Your Properties

Choose your locksmith services for realtors & property management companies wisely, since ultimately, you are responsible for the safety and security of your building, houses you have for sale, and for the belongings and people inside.

Safe Opening

Safe Opening Service

When you can’t remember the combination to your safe, you don’t just call anyone. After all, safes and vaults are where you keep valuables or stash your cash. The certified and qualified technicians at Tucson Locksmith 24 have learned a thing or two in their years that they have been providing their vault and safe opening service to the Tucson, Arizona area and want to share this information with you.

Mechanical or Operator Lockouts

When you cannot open your safe, it is probably because of one of two lockout conditions. Either your safe is damaged by water or rust that caused the locking mechanism to fail mechanically, something is jammed causing the lock to fail, the battery needs to be replaced, or you are experiencing an operator lockout caused by dialing the wrong combination or have forgotten the code.

Is the Technician Qualified?

Your safe holds items that are very valuable to you, so before allowing someone to start working at picking open your safe, make sure they are qualified. Ask about their training and make sure they are a licensed professional safe technician. The next step is to ensure that they will come equipped with all of the necessary tools to get the job done well. Ask if the locksmith coming to help you open your safe is a member of the Safe and Vault Technician Association SAVTA, Associated Locksmiths of America ALOA, or the National Safeman’s Organization NSO.

Safe Unlocking

Specialized Equipment Is Needed To Open a Safe

Know the brand or maker of your safe, and hire a technician who understands the make and model. Some popular brands include Amsec, LaGard, S & G, or SecuRam. Make sure the company you hire to come out to get your safe or vault open is qualified to do so. The job will require specialized equipment and up-to-date training in techniques. The knowledgeable and skilled technician may use custom-designed tools alongside equipment like high security key lock picking devices, boltwork manipulation tools, special drilling machines that are high speed, medical-grade fibre optic instruments, special lighting devices, and may even employ the use of tiny high-resolution video systems to open your safe without damaging the locks or the contents of the safe.

Maintain Your Safe and Vaults

Once you get the lock open, make sure it doesn’t happen again. One way to ensure your safe or vault is always functioning properly is to have it maintained regularly. Typically, it is recommended to have a safe lock serviced every year to year and a half for frequent users or two to three years for those who seldom open the safe. If a lockout from your safe is more than an incovenience, but also would greatly adversely affect your business, make sure you have a service contract with a qualified locksmith technician who will be able to maintain and service you in an emergency.

Safe Opening is a Specialized Skill

Safe opening is a very delicate and specialized skill. Don’t just call the first available handyman to get it done. Tucson Locksmith 24 has been providing safe opening service for years. Call with confidence today for fast, reliable and trusted safe opening service.

Call a Locksmith

Why you need a locksmith when you move into new home

Are You Move Into a New Home? Call a Locksmith!

Getting the keys to a new home, apartment, or condominium is an exciting time. There are, however, things to think about besides closing on the deal and moving in your belongings. One of the first professionals to contact is a certified locksmith. Here is why you need a locksmith when you move into a new home.

Of course, if the key has ever been lost or stolen, you don’t know whose hands it has fallen into and whether or not it is in the hands of a would-be crook. In addition to this potential safety threat, there are most likely additional people who hold a copy of a key to your front door.

Unless you had the home built and personally selected the first locks to be put on the doors, it is very likely that someone else has a spare key to your locks making you vulnerable to a break-in. At the very least, even though the previous owner turned over the keys, it’s quite possible he or she still has a copy lying around or has forgotten that they gave a spare to a family member, a neighbor, a friend or a co-worker who now has access to your front door.

Some of these people who were once trusted by the previous owner to hand over the key to may now be someone with whom there is tension and reason to worry about potential revenge. These people include a former spouse or roommate. Divorce or roommate break ups are often very emotional and messy. You won’t want to be caught in the middle of such a dispute simply because you bought the house or rented the apartment they once shared.

Even if you had the home built, there is the potential that the builders or contractors who worked on the house may have access to a spare key. This is especially true, however, if you used a realtor to help you  purchase the house. While you may trust your realtor, the key may have been placed inside a lockbox, which means anyone using the MLS with access to the lockbox has had access to your key.

Locksmith for New Home


Feel Safe and Secure at Your New Home!

Ensure your locks are secure and you are the only one with a key to your home by calling a locksmith to come out and install new locks or have the existing ones rekeyed before you spend the night or begin moving in furniture and valuables.

Don’t stop at your front door lock alone. Make sure all of the locks on the outside of the home, including garage locks, gate locks, outside building locks, or a lock to your deck entry door or basement as well as any window locks are also replaced or rekeyed.

Why risk the safety of you, your family members, or your valuables when all it takes is one secure step of changing your locks. When you move into your Tuscon, Arizona area home, let our professionals from Tucson Locksmith 24 help you secure your locks before you move in your family and your valuables.